Welcome to Nga Iwi School's new website

Together we learn, we grow, we succeed!
Kia Ako, Kia Tupu, Kia Angitu Tātou!

Welcome to Nga Iwi School

​​​​​​​Welcome to the best little school in South West Auckland! Check out school information for a little about our history and what we have to offer. Meet our principal, teachers and support staff, who provide amazing learning opportunities and programmes. Have a look at some of the exciting things we've been doing and please have a peek at our outstanding 5 year ERO review. We are very proud of what we have achieved so far and really excited about our journey ahead.

So check us out online, leave a message because we like feedback or come in and see our great little school.

School Calendar

Term Dates 2023/2024


Term 1 Starts - 31st January
​​​​​​​Term 1 Ends - 12th April

Term 2 Starts - 29th April
​​​​​​​Term 2 Ends - 5th July

Term 3 Starts - 22nd July
​​​​​​​Term 3 Ends - 27th September

Term 4 Starts - 14th October
​​​​​​​Term 4 Ends - 17th December

Our Learning

Students are provided opportunities and encouragement to grow their strengths and talents in to what could one day be lifelong passions.

We focus on the development of the whole student, offering classroom programmes that are engaging, challenging, inclusive and fun.

We have two learning teams, with names that are very special and are connected to our story, that of Hape and Kaiwhare.

Click to find out more about our learning teams.

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