Tū Pakari

Tū Pakari offers students an opportunity to succeed through a Maori lens.  Students in the hub are encouraged to connect with their learning within a Maori cultural context, gaining experiences and knowledge, confidence and purpose.  The unit is 30% Maori Curriculum (Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori – Kura Auraki), 70% NZ Curriculum (NZC) which means students learn Maori tikanga and te reo , while still accessing the NZC in their learning.  The programme is open to students of any ethnic background and is an amazing resource for students to access dual language development.

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori a Rohe o Mangere

Ka mihi rā ki a koutou ngā kai pūpuri i tēnei kaupapa whakahiriahira, te whakanui i tō toru tekau tau. Ka hoki mahara au ki ngā  pou ā Hariata, Kuoro, Rere, rātou mā kua mene ki te pō. Ki ngā kanohi ora tangi koa ana te ngākau i te tirohanga atu. Nā koutou matou i whakarangatira. Tahlene Te Moana Lucy Te Moana Tēnei a Ngā Iwi e mihi atu nei. Paimārire.

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori a Rohe o Mangere

30th Birthday Celebrations

Nga Iwi School were honoured to attend the 30th birthday celebrations of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori a Rohe o Mangere at Mataatua Marae followed by kai hakere at the Kura.  We offer our heartfelt best wishes and deep appreciation in being present at this huge occasion.  May our journey together be life long.  Fa'afetai Lava.  Michelle Fepuleai.

Kapa Haka Performance

Mangere Town Center 17 Nov 2018.

Students of Tū Pakari were excited to be able to perform at the Mangere Town Center in an event organised by the Counties Manukau Health team.  The group performed admirably as you can see by the clips below and we were thrilled as always to be strongly supported by whanau and friends of the group who came along to see the group in action.  Thank you to all who attended and cheered the group along.

Our Staff